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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 37, No 15. July 3 1974

Hanging Goats Head

Hanging Goats Head

Dear Roger,

I would like to convey my sincere thanks and support to the NZUSA and all those concerned for their regard to the Malaysian students. The forum and the demonstration were indeed a spectacular achievement if not pernicious to Jack's psyche!

In the middle of the forum, there was a gentleman who tried to put up his irrational dry facts (apparently trying to side if not speak for his uncle Jack) but unfortunately was attacked with inexorable retorts from the floor. If he should have forgotten about the definition of democracy, may I take this opportunity to define it for him. If my memoriy serves me right, the civic studies for the junior secondary in Sarawak states democracy to be "the freedom of speech, the freedom of the press, the freedom of gathering....etc" with three or four more to come after. But is there freedom as such claimed or could it not be more suitably regarded as the pseudo-democracy of the Malaysian government. There is a common saying of the Chinese, "hanging goat's head, selling dog's flesh". I think this fits in here beautifully.

Beside those acomplices who work hand in glove with the Razak government, all the other Malaysians are disinherited from their basic right — freedom. That gentleman definitely has eyes and has witnessed what is happening and going on in Malaysia, in spite of that he still carried out his obnoxious statements. I shall tike to give him a piece of my advice 'Pack up your unavailing and putrid shit and got to bed'.

'We must unite, all Malays, Chinese and Indians' (I excuse him for forgetting to add in Indians because he is quoting from his "bible"; memories do fail people sometimes but regrettably that he should skip that very minute). This seems to be the slogan of that native gentleman. Certainly, the very words he spouted out are true, but what was his motive in climbing up to the stage; spreading his 'gospel', yeh, he was endeavouring to dodge away from the main issue of discussion. I wasn't born yesterday and neither were the audience. His futile attempts to vindicate Jack deserved no less denounciations than the previous hypocrite. Quite vividly, I remember, the last question he asked was that (quoting from his own source) "....I think you have not been intimidated by the Malaysian government". What a ridiculous statement. May I ask him, "do you have to touch fire to understand that it will burn you?"
