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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Vol 35 no. 25. 6 October 1972

Blues Awards

Blues Awards

Well kiddies, Snebgrebling finally stirred himself from his winter nap and bowled along to the Sports event of the year- the annual Blues Dinner.

A number of past and present sports types were there, as well as Sports Officer Don Carson looking extremely dapper in a Capitalistic, petty bourgeoisie style suit. - Shame on you Don, what will your trendy lefty (or is is socialist, trotskyist, maoist - I really can't keep up) friends say when they hear that you were dressed up like a running dog imperialistic lacky eh wot? I grieve for you boy. Any hows the evening proceeded with only a few minor hitches such as the non-arrival of the guest-speaker, but organasimiser Dick Orgias rose to the occasion so to speak. The only real sad thing was the surprisingly small number of Blues winners who bothered to turn up to receive their awards, just over half who were awarded them.

Sportsman of the year award went to Phil Kear for the second year in a row for his performance in athletics - 1st National 400m champs 47.2, 1st in Tournament 400m, 1st in Provincial 100m & 400m to list but a few of his achievements. Phil is also Captain of the Athletics club surprisingly enuff as well as Chairman of VUW Sports Committee. Phil was deprived of the opportunity to speachify by mickey mouse Cohen whose baked bombed Alaska was threatening to zap onto the floor if it was allowed to melt anymore. Oh yeah, I knew there was something else, you should have been there to see Don Carsons face when he saw he had to announce the award of a Blue to Mike McKinley - he only just managed to get it out without choking over his enthusiasm. All in all not a bad feed and evening all round, sos before I go back to sleep here is the list of Blues awarded for 1972;


Roger Hayman, Peter Osvath, Malcolm Cooper, Annamaria Apathy.


Peter Reid.


Graham Mourie, Dai Evans, Richard Green, John Greenwood.

303 Rifles:

Neville Wynn, Gavin Adlam, William McKinlay.

Smallbore Rifles:

Gavin Adlam.


Alison Laking, Hazel Barley, Bruce Adcock.


Bruce Batten, Kathryn Hawkins Rodney Petley, Ian Stockwell, Robert Taylor, Alison Wright, Anthony Wright, Philip Kear.


Gregory White.

Water Polo:

lain Trousdell, Barry Britten, Warwyck Dewe, Mike McKinley.