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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 16. September 8th 1971

The Working Class:

The Working Class:

The organised working class as such did not participate in this armed struggle of the youth. As already mentioned, groups of young workers have been active participants, but not as a section of the working class.

It is true that, in response to the call of the Coalition leaders of the LSSP and CP, trade union bosses and bureaucrats pledged support to the government and have even assisted the police and military to hunt down and murder the youth and left critics of the government. But there were indications that rank and file members of trade unions were not with their leaders in regard to their conduct of supporting the armed forces against the youth. For instance, many workers of coalition trade-unions had refused to contribute to the so-called "Insurgent Victims Fund" which the coalition leaders sponsored.

The treacherous behaviour of coalition trade union officials and some of their followers and the failure of the organised working-class to be even articulate against the murders and atrocities of the governemnt is the measure of the disorientation of the working-clas that had taken place through coalition politics since 1964 and the process of absorption of the trade-union apparatuses into the capitalist State-structure which has been taking place.