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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 16. September 8th 1971

[John F. Kennedy and Cuba]

John F. Kennedy and Cuba (these predictions are linked with a third world war and the Berlin Wall.

(Avan le conflict le grand mur tombera) II 57 "Le grand a mort trop subite et plainte Nef imparfait, la plus part nagera."

Before the war (3rd) the great wall shall fall. A great man shall go to a sudden and bewailed death. The ship — incompleted — shall go the greater part of the journey.

VIII 46 "Car Mars fera le plus horrible throsne De cog et d'argle — de France — freres trois."

War shall take on its most fearsome aspect. The cock (France) and the eagle (America) France and the three brothers. . . Note. There is always the linking of this theme. Possibly France here is Jacqueline Kennedy who came from French Canadian family, Le Bouvier — or does this tie in with Vietnam peace talks?

V 81 "Sept mois devant fera nochine augure Mur d' Orient cherra."

Seven months there shall be a sign by night — the wall in the East shall fall.