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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume. 34, Number 16. September 8th 1971

Outline Plan

Outline Plan

2.If widespread disorders are expected military intervention to deal with unlawful assemblies and riots need to be preplanned and rehearsed by the civil police and military authorities together. Outline plans should cover the following:-
(a)An assessment of the different types of disturbance likely to develop, their probable locations and strength and action needed to suppress them.
(b)An assessment of what troops will be required for each locality and the earmarking of a specific unit for each task.
(c)Arrangements for establishing joint Military/[unclear: Police] operational HQs.
(d)The channel through which requests for military assistance will be made.
(e)Preparation of special stores e.g. banners in the appropriate language etc.
(f)Arrangements for joint and sicreet reconnaissances as necessary.
(g)Training and rehearsal of all concerned including the testing of communications and the procedure for handing over/taking over a riotous situation.
3.It is essential that when the armed forces are called upon to deal with an unlawful assembly or a riot the following points be noted:
(a)That it is desirable for each body of troops to be accompanied by a magistrate or his representative e.g. Police Officer.
(b)That the military commanders must be prepared to intervene on their own authority if necessary (NZ Crime, Act 1961 Sec 46).
(c)That the troops should be ready to intervene immediately on arrival at the scene of a disturbance for if there is a delay it tends to allow a build up in front of them.