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Salient. Victoria University Student Newspaper. Volume 33 No. 11. 22 July 1970

Ra Ra

Ra Ra


Your reporter gave a reasonably full account of the Marijuana Seminar held in the Student Union. However, I wish to correct some errors and omissions in the account of the "drug which was similar to marijuana and was freely available in New Zealand." In fact, Dr Geiringer spoke of a substance, freely available in New Zealand, which could produce all the effects of marijuana. He gave a fuller list of its properties than appeared in your report—as well as causing hallucinations, being approdisiac, leading to cancer and being potentially lethal, he also said that the substance led to drinking and was psychologically addictive.

Your reporter's biggest mistake was in parenthesis "the drug referred to is understood to be nutmeg." In fact, I checked with Dr Geiringer on my analysis of what he had described, and he said that I was quite right. This dangerous hallucinogenic substance is, of course, sunshine.

Jane A. McMurray