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Salient. Victoria University of Wellington Students' Newspaper. Volume 31, Number 12 June 11, 1968

Students lose comrade

Students lose comrade

Professor D. B. England, aged 45, Professor of Physical Chemistry at Victoria, died recently.

He gained his MSc at Otago, doctorate at London and had lectured for some years at Canterbury and the University College Ibadan, Nigeria, before taking up his position at Victoria in 1965.

During his time here Professor England was responsible for studies and research of many students who have since gained high positions in New Zealand and overseas. Dr Carr, also of our Chemistry Department, studied under him for many years.

In addition to research work Professor England enjoyed lecturing, especially to stage one students. He strongly supported the introduction of the more modern and innovatived principles of chemistry at present being developed in New Zealand and other countries.

The drive for higher and more extensive bursaries for post-graduate work in chemistry, too, always had the Professor's support.

He was responsible for much of the chemical equipment acquired during his 13 years at Victoria, and helped the firm establishment of teaching and research in physical chemistry. .

Professor England will be remembered by students and lecturers alike for the high degree of interest he always showed both in those he taught and in university life.

Look at it this way Piggy. It'll be easier that trying to raise another loan"

Look at it this way Piggy. It'll be easier that trying to raise another loan"