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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 12. 1967.

Salient Wins Press Contest

Salient Wins Press Contest

Salient won the prize for the best student newspaper at the Student Press Council in Dunedin recently.

The Otago paper Critic was placed second and thus the two papers share honours for the prize. Critic won in 1964 and 1965 and Salient has won in the last two years.

The judges said they like Salient because they felt it was organised and separated news from comment. They also liked the layout. They said Salient and CRITIC were well above the rest, in which they were disappointed.

Salient Co-editor Barrie Saunders was elected President of the New Zealand Student Press Association as from December this year. He was elected to replace Warren Mayne, who resigned earlier this year. This means the organisation will shift from Christchurch. where Don Gray has been acting as President, to Wellington.