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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 10. 1967.


Letters to the Press and reported extracts from addresses in various parts of the country do not necessarily reveal that degree of academic scholarship and distance that the subject of homosexuality merits.

Extreme reaction against homosexual law reform is compounded of ignorance, scorn, derision and a misplaced appeal to authorities.

There is no evidence to show that elsewhere homosexual adults have diverted their attention to younger age groups when they have been relieved of their fear of criminal prosecution.

It would be surprising if they were to do so—there tends to be as specific a factor of attraction between homosexuals as there is between heterosexuals. Homosexual behaviour between adults and minors would continue to be an offence.

The particular legal restriction that is at present in question only came on the UK Statute Books in 1885.

There is no evidence to suggest that the homosexual behaviour that went unpunished before that time led to the destruction of society. One would have to look hard for the decadence of those countries where there are no laws operating against the homosexual behaviour in private of consenting adult males.