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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 30, No. 6. 1967.

[Taj Mahal stunt]

Some of the students on the Taj Mahal stunt. The police did not appreciate the spirit of the occasion and arrested and charged 31 Students. Up to Wednesday this week 29 of the students charged have appeared in court and have had their cases dismissed. The stunt has cost the Students Association a little over £60. The major cost has been in legal fees. —Warwick Teague photo.

Some of the students on the Taj Mahal stunt. The police did not appreciate the spirit of the occasion and arrested and charged 31 Students. Up to Wednesday this week 29 of the students charged have appeared in court and have had their cases dismissed. The stunt has cost the Students Association a little over £60. The major cost has been in legal fees.
Warwick Teague photo.