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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 13. 1966.

Salient Reporter

Salient Reporter

Victoria's National and and Labour Party clubs joined last Friday to bring their Wellington Central candidate to university.

But they lacked the courtesy to invite the Social Credit candidate— Mr. G. W. Healy—to speak. Social Credit has no formal on-campus organisation.

Social Credits Wellington Central secretary, VUW student Stuart Dickson, told Salient "I think this is a revealing commentary on their fear of true opposition."

"Mr. O'Regan generally agreed on two issues of special Interest to students with Mr. Riddiford. On these issues — university building and accommodation for students, and the News Media Act—Social Credit holds a strikingly different position."

The meeting itself was rather dull—Salient's political editor says it "left an impression of the futility and downright degeneration of political de-bale."

He says the format of the meeting inhibited a certain degree of cross-questioning. The sponsors apparently wanted only a simple exposition of each party's policy.

"In this respect Mr. O'Regan was sadly lacking, often not knowing whether he was following party line or not."