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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 9. 1966.



I asked Dr. Mrak about demonstrations at the other campuses in the University of California at the time of the Free Speech Movement.

"There were about 20 or 30 students who got excited at Davis and wanted to do something. The vice-chancellor sat down and talked with them for hours. Some of them said, "Well, we ought to have a demonstration but we don't know why. Here we have everything we want. But Berkeley wants to have one here."

"The vice-chancellor said, 'Okay, here's a loudspeaker. Just don't turn it up so loud you're disturbing the classes. Go ahead and raise hell if you want to. Speak all you want.' Over a hundred students turned out to demonstrate, but the demonstration soon died down. Similar-sized demonstrations took place at the Santa Barbara, Riverside and Los Angeles campuses.