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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 7. 1966.

• Publications


Salient has benefited greatly from being on a firm financial base and its up to date presentation of news has done much to stimulate increased interest in student affairs. Students are now able to be aware much sooner of what the executive is doing and a high standard of Journalism has enabled many students to become familiar with the views and opinions of others through feature articles.

Cappicade. revived again after last year's unfortunate absence was of a high and satirically effective standard. Unfortunately sales continue to decline and the Masskerade row may have some bearing on this. It is hoped that representations made through NZUSA will cause an amiable compromise to be reached, and much undesirable publicity to students thus avoided.

Also produced by the committee were the Tournament handbooks, and a successful new publication, the Orientations handbook. It is probable that the latter will replace the past contribution to the Introduction to the University, which has been co-edited in past years.