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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 7. 1966.

Academic freedom

Academic freedom

"We don't wish to deny the right of education or to victimise any students, but we believe active security agents on the campus are inimical to academic freedom." Mr. Wood told reporter Fleming.

Mr. Maidment's written reply came 21 hours before the deadlne. He assured the students Mr. Godfrey would, because of the uneasiness his presence caused and the university's disapproval of his activities on campus, no longer be an internal student. He would be able to make private arrangements with the department for study and would be able to sit the examination.

Mr. Maidment felt the allegations against Mr. Godfrey had perhaps been exaggerated, although they were basically true.

Mr. Wood accepted Mr. Maidment's assurance. What he wasn't prepared to accept was Mr. Holyoake's claim that the agent had originally had students association co-oper-ation.

Both he and vice-president Alan Galbraith were willing to swear affidavits they had done no such thing. Moreover, he had definite proof Mr. God-frey had been "spying" for, three years on campus and was certain Security activities went back two vears before that. Mr. Wood told NZSPA.