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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 6. 1966.

Presidential Elections

Presidential Elections

In The Presidential election, John McGrath was elected president of VUWSA for 1966-67. He beat the other candidate, David Shand, by about 160 votes in a poll of 1600.

Since then, a petition has been presented alleging irregularities in the election procedure. A commission of three, Mr. Armour Mitchell, Mr. Ian Boyd and Mr. Geoff Paimer has been appoinled to investigate and has held one public hearing.

The report of the commission has not yet been delivered. However, Mr. N. Woodhams, representing the petitioners, told the public hearing that it was not the aim of the petition to upset the election result.

A full report on the commission investigation will be published In Salient when the commission's findings are available.