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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 29, No. 5. 1966.



Congratulations to all the tennis players who represented Victoria at this year's tournament.

As several members of the other university teams said, the Victoria men's and women's teams were head and shoulders above the rest both as teams and in individual performances. All in all it was a satisfying tournament which spoke in itself of many hours of practice.

It was encouraging to see throughout the tournament Victoria teams with comfortable margins make their way into the finals.

In conclusion special mention should go to J. Borren who in the finals of the men's singles championships beat J. Martin of Canterbury 7/5 to win the title.

J. Palmer, a Victoria competitor in diving at tournament, in mid-air at the Moana Pool, Dunedin.

J. Palmer, a Victoria competitor in diving at tournament, in mid-air at the Moana Pool, Dunedin.