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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 28, No. 12. 1965.

Problem Solving

Problem Solving

Many of the problems solved by the computer will involve numerical calculations such as the calculation of functions, the solution of differential equations and the evaluation of integrals.

For example, in the solving of simultaneous equations, the computer is capable of handling 40 linear equations in 40 unknowns (1600 coefficients on the left-hand side alone), this operation occupying the computer for only a few minutes.

Linear programming forms a large percentage of the work handled. This essentially involves solution of simultaneous equations for which there is no unique solution but will provide maxima and minima amenable to further computation.

Indexing and analysis of texts by various authors is also feasible but language translation, although possible, is not likely, as the memory circuits would have to be stocked to form a huge dictionary that would be beyond the reasonable capacity of the machine.

The actual translation will sometimes be wrong due to the differing meanings of words in different contexts.