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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 4. 1964.

Exec. Makes Co-option

Exec. Makes Co-option

Helen Sutch

Executive have co-opted a new Social Controller. Lester Roussel, who held the position, is now living out of Wellington.

Helen Sutch, second year arts student, was co-opted in his place on the casting vote of the President, Peter Blizard. Miss Sutch's nomination was opposed by Tony Cooper, who was four years a member of the Social Committee, and Robert Wear, a Ph.D. student who had previously organised the Science Faculty Ball. Voting resulted in a tie between Sutch and Wear.

Helen Sutch has the immediate task of organising the Capping and Graduation functions which involve a considerable amount of work.

She is already involved in the production of Troilus and Cressida. As a fresher, she played a notable part in Student Activities, taking major roles in many drama club productions last year, and acting on several executive sub-committees, and in other activities such as the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

Executive may co-opt new members to fill vacancies caused by resignation. When the fourth resignation occurs, all the co-opted members are deemed to have resigned, and a by-election must be held.

Helen Sutch is the second person to be co-opted to the present executive, the first being Treasurer Tom Robins co-opted just after the executive elections last year. In the term of the previous executive, resignation of the capping controller caused a by-election just before the main annual election.