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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 4. 1964.

Variety Of Drama For City

Variety Of Drama For City

Wellington's many drama groups have a varied offering in store this year. In this article Salient looks at what is coming.

Wellington Repertory has a varied programme for this year. "Man For AH Seasons", by Robert Bolt, will be presented next month; it is to be produced by Wendy De Latore. Elsie Lloyd is to produce Harold Brighouse's "Hobson's Choice" in July, and "The Anatomist" by James Bridie will be presented by Bernard Jones in August.

Casting has been completed for a production of Emil Zola's "Guilty." This is a translation by Thomas Job and Mary Dowse is to produce the play for Lower Hull Repertory in May. There will be a series of one act plays in June, a venture very successful last year. The August production is not yet decided upon, but could be James Thurber's "The Male Animal".

Bertolt Brecht's "The Life of Galileo" is to be presented by Khandallah Arts Theatre in the last week of May. The English Department of the Llniversily is assisting the group in the production of the play.

Unity Theatre has cast "Othello" and it will be presented shortly. "Troilus and Cressida", the V.U.W. Drama Club's first major production of the year, is the other Shakespeare play to be presented in Wellington this year. "Troilus and Cressida" opens on the 18th of this month, produced by Roger Savage.

An adaptation by Camus of "The Possessed" by Doestoevsky is to be presented by the Modern Languages Department. The play in English is to be produced by Nola Millar in the last week of June. Auditions are to be held on April 26th.

At present the Drama Club has no dofinite plans for its production in the second term. A revue will be produced at the end of the year, and if it proves to be as good as last year's effort it will be worth seeing, in an effort to keep enthusiasm alive amongst those interested in the practical side of drama, the Drama Club plans fortnightly meetings of readings, stage movement, back stage practice and discussion. Readings of Ibsen. Lawlor. Strindberg. Miller, and others will be presented during the year.