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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 27, No. 3. 1964.

Male Strip-Teaser At Varsity

Male Strip-Teaser At Varsity

It is fair to predict that the Universities here will get a public roasting over male strip tease incidents at Sydney University Orientation.

The incidents have an air of "Moon's" down trous at various tournament balls in the past. These boys, however, really get down to it.

The first report came on Saturday, when irate parents complained that their daughters had been entertained by a male stripper at an orientation meeting.

There had been a brains trust meeting scheduled for noon. This apparently was slow in starting and there was a degree of unrest in the audience.

From Mel Dickson, at the Australian National University, Canberra. Courtesy Critic, Otago.

Some public spirited youth, in order to entertain and quiet the unruly hall, leaped on the stage and started to strip. With proper modesty, he started to dress again once he got down to underpants, but insatiable troublemakers in the audience challenged him to make a job of It.

The public got what they asked for. According to a reliable source (the Vice Chancellor) a candid photo of proceedings at this stage shows the entertainer fully clothed from the knees down.

Young women who tried to leave found they could not for the crush. It is not recorded what the young women who did not wish to leave did.

The Vice Chancellor has gone on record as saying that "I think it is grossly unfair that young girls should come here and in the first week see an exposed male on the stage. It is a shocking affair."

With true sense of proportion, the President of the Students' Association took the view that "too much has been made of this. It has been blown up into an enormity. It is just another example of the community's endeavour to jump on University students."

Whatever the outcome, in Sydney men are men and the women know it.