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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 26, No. 12. 1963.

Democracy Not Perverted

Democracy Not Perverted

Sir,—The main thing that needs refuting about the article on "fascist" groups in the USA is the headline: "Anti-Red Americans Pervert Democracy." If a fuller picture had been given, describing the groups and individuals who are acting against the "lunatic fringe," the inherent health of the American democracy would have been indicated.

It is said that every society must have its lunatic fringe, and keeping in mind the enormous diversity of the American people, their interests, persuasions and backgrounds, it is hardly surprising to find the John Birch Society and other extremists. Should these groups be suppressed? If they were, the ideas they represent would only smoulder under the surface, and the situation would be potentially far more dangerous. Surely it is better to have them out in the open, their leaders known, and their activities clearly seen.

Here are some aspects that balance the one-sided outlook of the article:
  • The California State Senate Fact-finding Sub-committee on un-American Activities, in a recent (1963) report, said: ". . . their (the John Birch Society's) top leadership is almost totally irresponsible" (i.e. the leaders do not reflect the views of the rank and file) and, further, "the membership really disavows the leadership"
  • USA Senator Kuchel, Republican, California, recently made a widely reported speech on the Senate floor, thoroughly exposing the tactics of what he called the "fright peddlers" and urging Americans to adopt a more enlightened and alert attitude towards the extreme Right-wing element.
  • The House Un-American Activities Committee is now widely discredited by the American people, by church groups, and by some political groups. It is also actively opposed by such organisations as the American Civil Liberties Union. (When HUAC goes to show its propaganda film, "Operation Abolition," ACLU members make it known that the film is politically controversial and apply for equal time to show their film, "Operation Correction." As often as not the authorities concerned then refuse to show either film!)
  • In the California State elections last November, the two John Birchers in the legislature were both defeated, indicating the process whereby Senator McCarthy was destroyed—by allowing him enough rope to hang himself. American democracy has efficient methods of dealing with its lunatic fringe although they may not be immediately obvious. I am, etc.,

David Ward

[Mr. Ward sent Salient a cutting from the Christian Science Monitor, which commented on Californian Politics.

The article says that the State Senate Fact-finding Sub-committee on un-American activities has investigated the John Birch Society, and finds the leadership to be out of touch with the rank and file. It says that the leadership is totally irresponsible, though it is not subversive nor radical.

The Sub-committee said that Californian John Birchers are only conservatives who are looking for effective ways to prevent the spread of Communism.

We thank Mr. Ward for going to the trouble of replying to our article and point out that when printing the article and headline we specifically mentioned that it was abstracted from a Communist magazine. Furthermore we asked if anyone could refute it.—Ed.]