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Salient: Victoria University Students' Paper. Vol. 25, No. 7. 1962.

Visiting Theologian

Visiting Theologian

A noted Lutheran Theologian, Dr Herman Sasse, will be visiting V.U.W. this June to carry out a teaching mission in the University. Dr Sasse STM, TH.D., was educated at Berlin University and Hartford Seminary. He later taught Church History and Symbolism at Erlangen University, Germany, and is now at Emmanuel Theological Seminary, Adelaide.

Defied Hitler

Dr Sasse was instrumental in the founding of the "Confessing Church" Movement during the Hitler period in Germany. This movement was a protest against Nazi attempts to control and muzzle the Church, and a stand for Christian belief and ethics in the midst of the militant paganism of the Nazis. (Many of the movement's leaders ended up in Concentration Camps.)

Sacramental Theology

Although a world authority on Lutheran Sacramental Theology, Dr Sasse's teaching mission will primarily deal with other aspects of Christian Theology, and his five addresses in the University will be on the theme "The Old Man and the New". Titles for his addresses are:—
(1)The Riddle of Man.
(2)Ecce Homo I (The Incarnation)
(3)Ecce Homo II (The Cross and Resurrection)
(4)God's Saving Judgment.
(5)Christ's Life in Man (Sanctification)

Dr Sasse's visit is being sponsored by the Evangelical Union.