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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University, Wellington. Vol. 24, No. 3. 1961

Dr. Goscoigne Speaks

Dr. Goscoigne Speaks

The day was the feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas, when Catholic students the world over join together in remembrance of this great scholar; and in remembrance of the duties that they, the future Catholic "intelligentsia," owe to God and to society.

Dr Goscoigne delivered an appropriate sermon on the theme "Pax Romana." He pointed out that this was a peace of soul such as man could not find for himself; it flowed from the source of all love—God; it gave us a sense of security because it gave us a sense of direction—to God; it gave us certitude because it enabled our intellects to know truth; and with truth guiding our intellects, our will—with God's grace—would find the way to God.

After Mass, all gossiped their way down to the College Assembly Hall, where members broke up into the usual exclusive circles and stoked up on some grub to complete the spiritual, mental and now physical "recharge."

Let us hope this year will be a great year for the guild, in vitality, in single-mindedness of purpose, in thought, and most of all, in staying power.
