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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University, Wellington. Vol. 22, No. 6. Wednesday, June 24, 1959

Men's Basketball

Men's Basketball

This, its first printed propaganda for 1959, appears as the results of many months thought and labour and is representative of the hardwork and diligence of the executive of the Men's Basketball Club. For those keen-as-mustard-types the coaches, this year has been one of great challenges; newcomers to the sport to be indoctrinated with the wholesomeness of the game; those who have played before to be moulded from raw basket-brawlers to pure basketballers; and those cynics of the experienced ranks to be given up in despair.

With six teams and 50 strong, active, and healthy participants the club is at its largest (and perhaps greatest) since its inception in 1947. In conjunction with its activities the Students' Association has dealt with the club to the extent of an £80 grant.

This will be used as follows: £57/10/- to paying team registrations; £32 to pay for hire of the Newtown Stadium for practice; £12 10/- for the hire of the Technical School gymnasium for similar purposes. What is left will be added to the depreciation account.

If you are (1) not altogether impecunious and (2) keen on a good companionable sport contact Secretary Brian Goodson (Weir) Captain Doug Edwards (Weir) or Liaison Ted McLay Phone 65-491.

Incidentally, the Women's Indoor Basketball Club could do with some support too.