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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 21, No. 10. August 6, 1958



The A.U. harrier team, which earlier gave hopes of retaining all three harrier trophies, has, since the club champs, been dogged by ill luck. Injuries have interrupted training, so that the team is not the uowerful combination that it could have been. G. Riddiford has pulled a muscle and has been advised to rest for a fortnight. W. Roberton has has the misfortune to twist an ankle and is off trainin, while Andrews has been troubled by a bruised shin and a heavy cold. Of our remaining hopes, R. McKinley has just caught the 'flu, M. Macky has yet to find form and M. Tizard, who is competing in the National Junior C.C. champs, will no doubt arrive back from Invercargill feeling fairly fatigued.