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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 21, No. 9. July 23, 1958

Spanish Cardinal Hits Out

Spanish Cardinal Hits Out

In a recent address to a large group of workers Cardinal [unclear: Play] Deniel, Archbishop of Toledo and Primate of Spain, hit out at the many Spanish employers who do not pay their workers a just wage. "Employers who, although they profess to be Catholics, do not fulfil their duties of justice and charity towards their workers, do great harm to the Church," the Cardinal said. He also declared that the work of Catholic Action organisations in the labour field, which were striving for justice, has been hindered and that at times the words of the bishops have been "silenced". Referring to the social improvements advocated in the papal encyclicals, the Cardinal stated that "nevertheless, neither management, the workers, nor even the Government, welcomed them as they should have been welcomed." In a final exhortation to the workers, he pointed out that the Church preaches that culture must be made available to the working classes; and that it was a calumny to say that the Church preaches only charity to the rich and resignation to the workers.

Drawing by D. Patterson