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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University, Wellington. Vol. 21, No. 8. 2nd July, 1958

Smarten Up!

Smarten Up!

The Editor.

Sir,—As soon as the weather becomes the least bit cold in Wellington, we see all the women at Victoria bringing out their dowdy winter clothes. How can the men students study when their surroundings are so dull and dismal. In common with all my friends, I hate grey skirts and faded jumpers, and most of all, I hate Flat Shoes.

Why don't the girls at Victoria lay down their poetry books for a while, and read the latest "Vogue"? Don't they know that skirts are getting shorter– Smarten up, young ladies, or you will never get a man, which, I presume, is the reason you are here at all.

I am etc.,

Ivor Grudge.