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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria University College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 20, No. 11. August 1, 1957

Town-Gown Relations

Town-Gown Relations

The City P.R.O. recently wrote to the Association suggesting that they meet members of the Exec. to discuss possible ways and means of giving Wellington citizens a greater appreciation of the University and its activities, and at the same time of increasing the understanding by students of the work of the Council. The Exec. wrote they were happy to agree and would like to meet them at some time in the future.

Partly no doubt as a result of various complaints one of the last acts of the retiring Exec. was to set up a Cappicade Steering Committee. The idea is that this committee should be similar to the Extrav. Committee, and should help get preparations under way much earlier than has been past practice. It will organise all Cappicade activities and will have the benefit, it is hoped, of the expert advice of past editors and others.