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Salient. The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 20, No. 8. September 14, 1956

VUC marksmen shoot well in inter-club competition

page 6

VUC marksmen shoot well in inter-club competition

The VUC Miniature Rifle Club's top team, after performing very creditably at Tournament, has continued fit fine form in the local inter-club competition.

On Thursday, August 23, the team comprising J. H. Williamson, B. J. Bradburn. J. Mansell, G. Barnard, and D. Middleton defeated Municipal, the competition leaders. The Varsity score on this occasion was 497.40, the team's top score to date this season.

A week later the team achieved what was called by the Evening Post "a possible record miniature rifle score for a Wellington A grade competition," in its shoot against the Brooklyn No. 1 team.

For this shoot I. Chatwin replaced Barnard; the score of 500.44 was compiled as follows: Williamson (100.10), Bradburn (100.9), Mansell (100.9), Chatwin (100.8) and Middleton (100.8). The Brooklyn team's total was 495.37.

The success of the Varsity team, and its great improvement over past years" teams can be largely attributed to the club's recent acquisition of a new International rifle.