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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 19, No. 10. September 10, 1955

S-E Asian Scholarship

S-E Asian Scholarship

A South East Asian scholarship scheme is to be investigated by the constituent colleges who will report back to NZUSA at Easter next year. The tenure will be for two years, of value £500 per year and available to an Indonesian student for post-graduate work in New Zealand. This was decided at the NZUSA Council meeting at Dunedin, during the vacation.

Major colleges will be expected to raise £220 each to support the scheme. Purpose of the Scholarship will be a further practical stop "to give expression to the Association's policy of having closer liaison with students in South-East Asian countries."

VUC delegation voted against the proposal on the grounds that they were required constitutionally to consult their Accountant on all financial matters, but they did not wish their dissent recorded.