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Salient.The Newspaper of Victoria University College. Vol. 19, No. 4. April 6, 1955

Weir Residents Attack Management Committee

Weir Residents Attack Management Committee

Dissatisfaction with the constitution and workings of the Weir House Management Committee was strongly expressed by the outgoing president and endorsed by residents at the annual general meeting of the Weir House Association on March 21.

In his report to the meeting Mr. John Marchant, last year's house president said the College Council should assess the Value and effectiveness of the present methods of administration of Weir House through its standing sub-committee. Changes might be necessary if Weir was to fully serve its proper functions.

Mr. Marchant stated that he had often doubted the existence of any profound and active interest on the part of some who had "found themselves on the Management Committee."

"There is the legend that a few members of this committee have never been inside Weir House and that their are others who are not at all sure what the building looks like. Though I cannot believe this I am disturbed, for rumour is not often unrelated to fact."

The Council should be on its quard against a repetition of 1954 in the government of Weir House. Shortage of time was no doubt the excuse, and probably the reason, for the brevity of the very few meetings. The Management Committee had two ordinary meetings during the academic year, each scheduled to last half an hour. One lasted for twenty minutes and the other was forced on to two and a half hours,

A third mooting was concerned solely with the appointment of a matron. "In this matter the committee is to be commended for its care and consideration before making a decision."

Here is the text of Mr. Merchant's report concerning the Management Committee. Abridged sections are in square brackets.