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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 18, No. 5. April 30, 1954

Women's Basketball.. — No Success For Vic

Women's Basketball..

No Success For Vic

A Stephenson, of A.U.C., wins the second heat of the 220 yards Championship at Easter Tourney. J. Kerr (C.U.C.) was second and M. Hansen (V.U.C.) was third.

Christchurch Star-Sun Photo.

A Stephenson, of A.U.C., wins the second heat of the 220 yards Championship at Easter Tourney. J. Kerr (C.U.C.) was second and M. Hansen (V.U.C.) was third.

As in most of this College's Tournament teams, lack of prior application was apparent in the way in which the Vic basketball team acquitted itself at Easter Tournament.

But this does not go all the way towards explaining the weaknesses of the team Our team's combination was poor; more practice and the help of a coach would make all the difference to the team's efficiency, Unfortunately, it appears that the prospects of finding a person who is willing to coach the team are not encouraging.

If the team played as well in the first half as in the Second half of each match, better results would have been achieved. One may also add that although our team is to be commended for its politeness, it should also learn to play to the referee's whistle.

However, the team has definitely improved over the last year. Indeed the general standard of play got better us the games progressed. We were easily defeated by Otago (32-11) and by Auckland (32-12), but in the final game Canterbury only just managed to snatch the game from us by one goal after extra time had been played. The score was 19-18.

One player particular should be mentioned for consistently good play That is Val Fraser who scored nearly all our goals in the game against C.U.C.

O.U. and A.U.C., whose teams were far better than Victoria's and Canterbury, played fairly evenly in the finals. Otago won the shield by defeating Canterbury 21-18. The N'.Z.U team, composed solely of members of the Auckland and Otago teams, lost to C.U.C. 28-l5.

Other results are: A.U.C. 37. v. C. U.C. 14; O.U. 32. v. C.U.C. 13.