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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 18, No. 5. April 30, 1954

Drama Club A.G.M

Drama Club A.G.M.

The Drama Club A.G.M. was held last Friday evening in the Little Theater. The year's activities for 1053 were reviewed and mention was made of the successful run both financially and artistically of "Under The Sycamore Tree."

Activities this year include Tournament, and the B.D.L. Play All those interested in the year's programme should contact one of the following elected officers:—

President. Mr. Ian Rich. Men's Vice-President, Mr. John Wright; Women's Vice-President. Miss Pauline Kermode; [unclear: Serctary,] Mr Gavin Yeates; Treasurer. Mr. Bruce Hill; Committee. Miss Susan Blair. Miss Rosemary Lovegrove, Mr. John Marchant. Mr. John McLean. Mr. Bill Sheat.