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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 18, No. 3. March 25, 1954

Essentially Sportsmen!

Essentially Sportsmen!

On March 6, 1933, the House was formally opened by Lord Bledisloe and on that day he planted the elegant Pohutakawa which graces our front lawn. The first few years'saw the birth of that model of democratic instrument—the Weir House Constitution. Soon all the activities which characterise the House today were in full swing. House Dances—always an "almost unqualified success" the Annual House Dinner, at which the four stages of man are paid homage to—edimus, bibimus, declamamus and dormimus, and in 1934 the First House Picnic which has developed into another essentially Weir sport where Housemen show admiring friends what they can do out in the open, and in broad daylight. Two internal contests, generally of a North v. South nature, are the Weir Willow Cricket and the Kelburn Keg Football matches. Inevitably the winning factors are the preponderance of liquid in one side of the scrum, and the ability to bowl two balls at once.