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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 12. July 1, 1953

Well Bowled

Well Bowled

Dear sir,—The persuasive eloquence of the electioneering blurb inspires in me great hope for the future of English literature in the sphere of advertisement; but I fear that these qualities have not been fully appreciated by the plebeian mind, owing to the dulling effects of making a decision, together with the regrettable susceptibility of the young and impressionable to the dazzling charm of the candidatorial photography. So, lest this valuable example be forgotten, I have endeavoured, after much careful attention to the text, to compile the following typical Specimen (the comments in parentheses are those of the rank and file, showing how greatly the noble mind is misunderstood among baser contemporaries.

"As a member of the retiring Exec, (sick of back-seat driving). I have much pleasure (sounds like an invitation to a ball) in nominating Jim Nemo. "Jim has been around for several years, will be around for several more, and has displayed a varied and active interest in the following clubs (see Students' handbook); he has represented Vic. on the sideline in women's hockey and cricket, and has a college blazer for £6. The list of his activities (Extracurricular only) shows his comprehensive interest in all Association activities (haven't seen him lately at miniature rifles ) and his vitality and enthusiasm would make him an admirable executive member.

His policy includes—
1.Free use during day of cars at present left parked at Vic. He considers this a necessity.
2.Extrav profits to charity of the Students' Union building. (Please help a poor student.)
3.Higher fees, lower bursaries.
4.More inter-common room inter-course. He believes we should always be ready to protect students interests in this.

Pledging his support to any move that will help in the bettering of sporting and cultural facilities—just a sound, commonsense approach to all student problems—Jim is an old boy and former sixth former of a N.Z. college. For old time's sake if for no other reason he invites (back to the ball, Jim Nemo) the support of all with a similar experience.

Proposers and seconders: The usual gang.
