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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 17, No. 11. June 24, 1953

Caf Chaff

Caf Chaff

Caf Chaff Cartoon

Text for the Week

Text for the week: The universal gesture is the arm around the shoulder, another is the thumb up to the nose. The Yankees and the Pommies do them both.

Lady Godiva

The empty box for the Korean students caused much interest. One girl offered to do a strip tease to attract attention to the plight of the box and to give an example of student denial.

Gallop Pole

Q.: Why didn't you vote for the lender of the herd?

Senior stag doing pol sci: His policy doesn't sit in with my idea of democracy.

First year doc: I didn't like his dew lap.

Second year hind: I've been out with him and he's still got velvet on his antlers.

Seventh year behind: We locked horns once.

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Students and teachers of the Louvain University have inaugurated a "Cultural and Artistic Centre" to provide a common meeting ground between students and Belgian artists At present the Louvain Centre is holding an exhibition of paintings, sculptures, etchings, ceramics, photography and music produced by Flemish and Waloon artists. The artists are invited to the Centre to give informal talks and lectures which are followed by lively discussions. (UNESCO, Paris).

Mr. Bill Cameron in the course of his research into the 18th century poets has discovered a poem which was attributed to Roscommon but was written by Pomfret. This is a minor piece of research but we should hear more about that research that is carried on at Victoria. This would correct the impression that Vic. is a glorified teaching institute.

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The University of Toledo proposes to eliminates from its courses all "fossils." These "fossils" are people who have been around the university for years flunking subjects or doing repeals of the units they already have.

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Rhodes Scholar and ex-President Dave Horsley came to Wellington for the opening of the Law Library last week and was later entertained by some of his many old friends He sails July 11.

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One of our keenest "culture vultures" was noticeably absent from the Wellington poets" recent gathering; his excuse—a previous engagement with a "piece of living poetry." She was too.