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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 11. September 6, 1951

Tournament Titbit — Bristolians Blow the Froth

Tournament Titbit

Bristolians Blow the Froth

Students of Bristol (England) University recently held a highly successful beer-drinking contest.

Several hundred thirsty souls watched nine men and three girls line up in teams of six on each side of a table. In front [unclear: of] them were pints for the men and three-quarter pints for the girls.

Times: The weaker sex was well to the fore. Ann Booker, a medical student, downed her three-quarter in 5½secs., while "Biddy" Griffith, studying law, did it in 4secs.—a world record, she claims.

Victory, however, came in the end to the all-male team. Their captain tossed his back in a matter of seconds.

An idea for next year's Tournament?