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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 9. July 26, 1951


I Should be pleased that Dr. Munz replied to nay provocation—and Mr. Robinson too—but the gilt is off the gingerbread. Dr. Munz and I are in the same boat with him calling me a liar ("misrepresentation for pro-pagandistic purposes") and my replying: bad historian. What I wanted Dr. Munz to do, among other things was to present some evidence against historicity, but I have already said that the gilt is off the gingerbread.

Dr. Munz and his defender, Mr. Robinson, do not seem to be at one. Did Dr. Munz deny the historicity of the Gospels? I say he did. Mr. Robinson takes a slightly different view, but at least I have proved to Dr. Munz's satisfaction my ignorance on the subject of early Christianity; a considerable feat since I did not set out to prove anything except my dissatisfaction with Dr. Munz's approach to history. That is the point upon which we really differ and it happens to be the very point Dr. Munz misses in his zeal to accuse me of propagandistic misrepresentation.