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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 9. July 26, 1951

Literary Letters

Literary Letters



How refreshing and welcome it is to see that "Salient" has perceived the literary starvation only too apparent in the College and has had the courage to print some really first-class poetry; I refer to the metaphysical poems by Oakden Parker Davies published in the issue of July 12. What a welcome change it is from the concentrated guff rammed down the throats of the advanced English classes: what bliss, what rapture is experienced when one can read a poem without having an incest theme or a coy libido pointed out with an obvious relish! Would it be asking too much of "Salient" to print more of this contemporary poetry and give to the jaded English student a glimpse of modem beauty rather than let his powers of appreciation atrophy and stultify in the atmosphere of such out-worn poets as Cowper and Blake?

Yours, etc.

, 3rd-Year English Student.



if the £
is not a full £
but only nineteen
and six
is there any possibility
of it paying
a dividend?

yours undonne.

John D. Rockfeller Eliot