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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 8. July 12, 1951

Card Please ! ! !

Card Please ! ! !

A supposedly intelligent student goes to take a book out from the Library. His card is at home. No book.

Another student wishes to find an issue of a quarterly. It may be there. It may be away being bound. It may be . . . Why not a notice listing those periodicals away being bound? On the shelves rows and rows of hardly used tomes collect the dust, others are in the stack room. The student waits.

Some of the periodicals are not put out until they are weeks old. How many students, for example, know that our Library receives 'Time"?

There have been Executive Committees before on this subject. Many a student complains and complains. It should not be beyond our Executive to form a Joint Committee which does get things done, a committee which includes a representative of the Library.