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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 8. July 12, 1951

Religious Freedom

Religious Freedom

Missionaries too, we are told are leaving but this is not due to government antipathy. There is religious freedom today in China. There are various reasons for the exit of the missionaries. Some have furlough due, in some cases Home mission boards request the return of all personnel. It is also true that Chinese Christians desire to see the leaders of the church native bom. This has already occurred in some places.

Britain and America have failed to help the Chinese people in their effort to rid themselves of corrupt feudalism, rather the contrarty, we have done everything possible to help the very people who were responsible for China's downfall is it not understandable then that relations are not what they might be with this new nation? Would we tolerate domination by other countries? Can we expect Chian to? Only by permitting China to take her rightful place as a nation and by extending the honest hand of friendship can we ever hope to bring about the peace we ail so earnestly desire. China wants peace just as we do but it must be an honourable peace.

Miss Isobel Eason.