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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 5. May 24, 1951



This year VUC has got away to a good start by winning their first two matches of the season. The VUC-Wellington match is liable to go down in Wellington sporting history as the game of 1951. The third match against Onslow did not result in a win but by all accounts was an excellent game. It is hard at the beginning of the season to predict the Jubilee Cup winners but it seems that VUC will be among the leaders. The absence of some of the leading players in Australia will doubtless affect the team but if the standard remains as it is now it seems that the club's efforts of 1946 will be equalled by that of the 1951 team.

Published for the Victoria University Students' Association and printed by the Standard Press, 25a Marion St., Wellington.