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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 12. March 15, 1951


Result cards issued by the University of New Zealand were not informative. In the space where marks used to appear a rubber stamp informed the candidate: The issue of marks is now abandoned for most subjects. As far as students are concerned the position which now exists cannot be satisfactory.

In some subjects marks appear when the results are posted on University notice boards, while in other subjects no marks are released, only a list of the names of those who passed. Some students know their marks, others do not.

Marks, whether they be below or above the pass standard, assist students in two ways. First those who fail wish to know how far and how lamentably. Secondly passing students often wish to decide which subject to take a degree in or to take to another stage. It may be argued that faculties can provide this information but will they? Will students take the time to find out before the year begins?

As it is the staff cannot cope with all the work they have to do and it is doubtful whether they wish to be inundated with this task. At the beginning of the year Heads of Faculties advise students but there are those who plan from the timetable beforehand and changes at the last moment will only delay the already long drawn out enrolment process.

Overseas where staff and students come into more personal contact through the neglected, and under present staff conditions impractical, tutorial system personal consultation is possible. Here it is very difficult.

It appears to us that marks should be issued. Students welcome them as a guide to future work, as a record and sometimes as information for interested parents and relatives.

A statement explaining the decision obtained from the University of New Zealand appears elsewhere in this issue.