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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 12. March 15, 1951


Cabbage cooking is a self advertising process as those who work in the Library often know but a week or so ago cabbage wouldn't have had a chance in the Caf. The painters were in and busy.

The walls and shelves had been painted and when Salient visited the place the tables were receiving their coat of fresh cream paint. Now the staff are worrying that we are going to spoil what has been done.

Last year and in previous years it seems that students drew diagrams on table cloths, used nail files and knives to do it and not only ripped the cloths but scratched the tables. This is vandalism even if the person who told us all about this was very nice about the whole business. Only a few people are responsible for any damage or dirt but those few do it every time they eat there.

"We're almost as important as the lecturer's. We're here to keep you people fed and we try our best to do it well." We pressed for further information but we had to be content with concern about the newly painted tables and a little matter of salt, pepper and sugar.

Some halfwits, so it appears, delight in leaving a little pile of salt, sugar and pepper in the middle of the table together with empty cellars. We take the view that the Caf. people should have the right to ask anybody they see doing this to leave, but it is certainly up to us to see that the staff who manage the Caf. are given some consideration.