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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 14, No. 12. March 15, 1951


One might have wondered whether a congress with the title and theme "There is still hope" could possibly offer any. Yet probably many of those who were there are convinced, as I am, that there is just a glimmer. Whether there can be more is of course up to all of us.

As at the previous congressess, about 130 students of all colleges and some from Australia lived with the speakers in a community which gave full scope for the free interchange of ideas. For those who wished, there were church services on the Sundays, and about half the congress attended. Obviously enough too, and also not so Obviously, activities were not limited to intellectual ones. Curious Cove just is a delightful spot for swimming, the sun, volley ball, boating, walks, music or what you will. Thanks to the excellent new N.Z.U.S.A. Song Book, singing often resounded far into the night. On the social side, who will forget the example of socialist Paul Oestreicher and free-enterprise Clive Cresswell living happily together under a planned economy ?