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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 13, No. 10. June 1st, 1950

Why Support the Caf?

Why Support the Caf?

The corridors of the College are enlivened with notices appealing to students to support the Cafeteria. We welcome that with a belch. Students are supposed to be the intellectual cream of society; can anyone then expect these mental giants to pay exorbitant prices for meals that are not fit to eat? Admittedly subsidies have gone off . . . but then the prices have gone up, so should there be an immediate decrease in quality? The quality of the meals has been steadily deteriorating throughout the year (though mind yon there wasn't much quality before the rot set in.) Salient before has been helpful about the Cafeteria .... but there is a limit.

We give as an example of the meals the tea we have Just eaten: Soup... is it absolutely necessary to put whole vegetables into It? . . . however, it was hot. We must be thankful for small mercies. We proceed. There were two other choices .... cold saveloys and burnt tripe.

The vegetables ... I may be fussy, but I consider that potatoes are inedible if cooked without salt; furthermore, they were in the best spirit of modern diplomacy, a compromise neither mashed nor whole. We prefer not to mention the cabbage. (Plaintive voice from the rear: "The parsnips were soft for once.") The milk was sour, and the tea was so stewed that not even a tramper could drink, it. Well, we ask you!

We are not purely destructive critics; we do offer some helpful suggestions.

1. Saveloys should not be put in a basin exposed to all the elements; it would be better to leave them in the steambath provided to keep them hot.

2. Cook the potatoes with salt and either mash them or not; is not possible to cook them in relays, rather than having them all ready at 4.45?

If the milk is sour, must it be sold at the exorbitant rate of three pence for a quarter of a pint? (Retail price: fourpence a pint).

Please don't think that we are asking for our food to be attractive or varied; we just want to eat it.

T. D. and R. McD.