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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 4. May 4th 1949

Australian Set-up

page 11

Australian Set-up

The most important Youth movement in Australia is the Eureka Youth League. It is a socialist, independent, non-party organisation of working-class youth. Its programme includes sports, camps, music, drama, discussions on philosophy, etc.. and political campaigns on issues vital to young people. They co-operate with the trade unions on all trade union issues, and with the students through the University Labour Club on all matters affecting youth. Their enthusiasm and will to work for what they need is truly amazing. Miss Arya told us of the Eureka Youth League Camp, 50 miles out of Melbourne. She told us how, when a decision was made to build a tennis court there. 40 young people went out one week-end and built a tennis court. In their spare time they also built a creche so that young mothers could bring their babies with them to the camp. We wish that VUC could show the same enthusiasm for ISS work days.