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Salient: An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 12, No. 2, March 16th, 1949.

She's are easy to handle

She's are easy to handle

The Ski Club now one year old is now much more than a lusty baby, it had its growing pains prior to its delivery—and now takes its place as one of the most active and efficient clubs in the college.

The club extends a welcome to all freshers and newcomers to partake in this most thrilling (and spilling) of winter sports. It does not matter if you cannot ski—two New Zealand Champs have already come from this college—several more are being painfully processed.

Trips are run at every possible occasion during the winter. Gear and instruction are available for the tyros and encouragement and sympathy are offered to the experts.

This year the club is to be the hosts for the New Zealand ski champs at Ruapehu, and we will need lots of active supporters. So turn up in your hundreds to the AGM, Room C3, March 23rd. Interesting films will be held after the meeting. We are trying to get hold of "A Nation of Skiers." which was shown last year and for which there have been several requests for a repeat showing.

Suggestions are still required for a club badge—decision on which will be made at the AGM.