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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington, N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 8. June 17, 1947



Harold Dowrick

Harold was at VUC before the war, spent four years in the Middle East, returned in 1945 and last year completed B.A., Dip. Ed. He is at present reading for honours in history as a part-timer. Secretary of the Students' Association, 1946-47; delegate to NZUSA Conference, 1946-47; Member of Resident Executive, NZUSA, 1947; publicity Manager, Extrav., 1947; [unclear: Advertising] Manager "Salient," 1947; [unclear: Gonvenor] Winter Tournament Committee, 1947; Chairman VUC Debating Society; former Secretary, Ex-Services Society; active member of Tramping, Dramatic and Rugby Football Clubs; Extrav. cast, 1947.

"My policy is largely that of the Executive of which I have been a member. Last year I spoke of a policy to rid VUC of Wooden Spoon possession and reputation. Co-operation of all club members, officials and executive has largely achieved this. I regard our constitutional reforms and improvement in the status of the Association during the year as important. This policy will, I hope, be continued with a special emphasis on Student Union Architect Decision; improved Staff Student Relationships; better cafeteria service; NZUSA Student Congresses; Health Scheme; improved methods of accounting and administration in Association affairs."

Frank O'Flynn

Frank has been at the College since 1936, is a returned serviceman, holds a B.A. degree and hopes to complete his LL.B. this year. This is the first occasion on which he has sought office in the Association, but he has a long and varied connection with other student activities. He has represented the College at Swimming and Cross Country Running, gaining College Blues in both sports and an NZU Blue in the latter. In the administrative sphere he has been an office-bearer in both of these sports clubs in several offices, being at, one time Vice-captain of the Swimming Club and for two years Club Captain of the Harrier Club. He has always taken a lively interest in Debating and was also this year elected President of the Law Faculty Club.

On matters of policy Mr. O'Flynn states that he believes in returned servicemen playing a large part in College affairs but feels that their added years and experience will usually ensure this anyway, and that the point was perhaps over emphasised by some candidates last year. Factions of any sort, however unavoidable or even desirable in other fields of student activity, should not enter University politics. Mr. O'Flynn supports any stimulation of the Spurts Clubs which may be within the power of the Executive, and also advocates further action on the question of faculty committees. Finally he feels that some stronger steps should be taken correctly to represent student opinion to the public particularly, when, as recently, Association decisions are criticised.