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Salient. An Organ of Student Opinion at Victoria College, Wellington N.Z. Vol. 10, No. 2. March 19, 1947


The VUC Student Association, as an affiliated body to WFDY was invited to be present at a meeting called by the Interim Committee of the Women's Charter Movement. It is important for students to take an active interest in this movement as will be shown below and you are invited as individuals to join. A meeting will be held in about a month for the purpose of electing a Committee and forming a constitution. It is intended that this Charter should deal with various aspects of community improvements and reforms required in New Zealand and that also as a body the Committee should be affiliated to the International Federation of Democratic Women.

The meeting was held on Saturday, March 8, to celebrate International Women's Day (for the first time in N.Z.) and for the purpose of calling another meeting to set up a Women's Charter Committee in Wellington. This is not just another Women's organisation and is definitely not a feminist outfit.

Representatives of the Trades Unions, of the Affiliated bodies of the Wellington section of the World Federation of Democratic Youth movement were present as well as representatives of most of the worthwhile women's associations in Wellington and many interested individuals.

Those present, though of all possible political colours and religious creeds, passed the various resolutions unanimously and with acclamation. This is a rather remarkable achievement and indicates that the basis of this worldwide movement must have a wide democratic appeal.

The necessity for a strong antifascist basis was emphasised by speakers who pointed out that there can be no peace without democracy, and no world democracy while fascism continues to exist, therefore fascism must be uprooted before democracy can be built in peace and security.